Vocabulaire de politique, économie et société - 5 star star
quizQuestions du QCM
- 1 The... commonly refers to bright students leaving their own country in numbers to go and study in a richer one.
- 2 As an Attorney General in his own brother's administration, Robert Kennedy... corruption.
- 3 After the USSR managed to put their Sputnik shuttle into orbit, the Americans... by sending the first men to the moon.
- 4 Some senior executives received... before leaving the company; when the news was... in the press, it fueled the controversy over top managers' wages.
- 5 At a global scale, the countries which signed the Kyoto Protocol can now... greenhouse gas emission credits with one another.
- + 3 questions
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- Histoire : La France dans l’Europe des nationalités : politique et société (1848 - 1871)