Vocabulaire de politique, économie et société - 1 star star
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quizQuestions du QCM
- 1 The meeting took place in New York and gathered the members of the UN Security Council for a forty-eight-hour... which kept them awake late into the night.
- 2 When G8 countries representatives met in Genoa in 2001, thousands of... took to the streets in protest.
- 3 High-profile... are a political party's showcase but they are much more likely to be remembered than...
- 4 Veteran politicians can count on their experience to compete with... on the political scene.
- 5 Most experts agree on the idea that Tony Blair's first election campaign managed to reach across the political spectrum to middle-class voters; here lies the main explanation for the New Labour Party's 1997...
- + 5 questions
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- Jean de LA FONTAINE (1621-1695) (Recueil : Les Fables) - La Génisse, la Chèvre, et la Brebis, en société avec le Lion
- COURS D’ÉCONOMIE POLITIQUE, 1896. Vilfredo Pareto (exposé de l’oeuvre)
- La politique se réduit-elle à l'économie ?
- L'utopie et la contre-utopie sont des fictions. Sont-elles efficaces pour faire réfléchir sur l'organisation sociale et politique de la société réelle ?