Test d'anglais (niveau terminale) star
Complétez cette phrase avec LA bonne réponse.
quizQuestions du QCM
- 1 Ratifying countries also agree to destroy stockpiles of mines within four years and remove deployed mines ... ten years.
- 2 Three ... children will die in the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa, as a result of the failure of the global community to meet its promise of slashing the death rates of the under-fives by 2015 the UN will reveal tomorrow.
- 3 Do you have the impression he'll feel ... better for it?
- 4 For the most part he lives ... his own, capably managing his studies.
- 5 Dyslexic students are able to understand and assimitate knowledge, but have difficulties ... what they know into written language.
- + 15 questions
linkLiens utiles
- Révisions HGGSP Terminale Thème 5 L'environnement
- Pierre VACHOT (14xx-15xx) - Le cimetière des Anglais
- corpus déshumanisation hlp terminale - Tale HLP Corpus n°2 : L’expérience de la déshumanisation
- niveau de base, surface horizontale, tangente à la partie terminale d'un cours d'eau.
- Le test Bechdel