Quiz GRATUIT de 60 QCM corrigés en anglais (Grandes Ecoles, IEP, catégorie A) star star star
- ▲ 10. ... the 1980s. 1) all over 3) throughout2) by 4) 1) ou 2) ou 3)
- 11. The bank rate will have to ... to help inflation slow down.
1) be risen 3) be rising 2) be raised 4) have a rise
- 12. What... competition in general ?
1) jeopardises 3) is jeopardising 2) does jeopardise 4) 2) ou 3)
- 13. It is indisputable that the growth rate ... maintained around 3 %.
1) were 3) should be 2) was 4) would be
- 14. This policy,... has failed to come to grips with ▼
1) which 3) 1) ou 2)2) that 4) 0
- ▲ 15. the real... problems, is to be abandoned.
1) economical 3) economics 2) economic 4) economy
- 16. The move ... expected ... benefit... government spending.
1) had...for it to...from 3) was...to...from• 2) was...it to...of 4) had...it...from
- 17. If the cut-throat competition ... continue over the next few years, ▼
1) were to 3) be to2) had to 4) is to
- ▲ 18. we would find ... to maintain our profit margins.
1) most uneasy 3) uneasiest 2) the most uneasy 4) it most uneasy
- 19. Is there another alternative ... comply with everything he asks ?
1) as to 3) than2) but 4) than to
- 20. ... energy you have should be used advisedly.
1) What 3) That 2) Which 4) Much
quizQuestions du QCM
- 1 1. Listen to the explosion ! ... the hissing sound just before ?
- 2 2. It was a risky affair, the more... the company was already in the red.
- 3 3. Once the matters ..., the businessmen will inject new capital into the concern.
- 4 4. ... giving a month’s notice can he leave the firm.
- 5 5. It... five months since he ... on the dole.
- + 55 questions
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