Anglais (catégorie A) - 1 star star star

quizQuestions du QCM

  • 1 Last year the governement... curb inflation but it can’t this year.
  • 2 2. A lot of systems have been experimented... inflation.
  • 3 ... shops we went to were expensive, ▼
  • 4 4. but neither of them to our liking.
  • 5 5. Do you realise ... ?
  • + 5 questions

hotel_classMeilleurs scores

1. Udz666
10 / 20
(5 points)
2. tom
8 / 20
(4 points)
3. .
8 / 20
(4 points)
4. Ruruxio
8 / 20
(4 points)
8 / 20
(4 points)
8 / 20
(4 points)
8 / 20
(4 points)
8. klt
2 / 20
(1 points)